I wish your home was close to mine and I could drop in when I would please, because my house is empty and welcomes me with all the space I need, to mope in silence.
I wish I had done things I could talk about with you, and would have been closer so, and fill my time with banter and things to do.
I wish we were not so far and grown distant.
I wish you had not chosen to be so far away, from arm’s reach.
I wish I could be with you, and that they would leave us be.
I wish so many things would not be between us, that I can’t see, touch, feel, sense you anymore, I can’t reach you and you don’t know anything anymore, you don’t know yourself, your mind and heart, leave alone me.
I wish I knew what went wrong, and that I could correct it.
I wish I didn’t have to measure my happiness by the bad things that haven’t happened to us yet.
Somehow I feel if I could be with you, the troubles wouldn’t count.